Cigarette Smoking

“The last straw was when my daughters tearfully confronted me saying that they didn’t want me to accelerate my own death because they love me and want me around as long as possible. I decided to make quitting a test of my manhood, my dignity, and mostly to show my wife and children that I love them more than I love myself.” 

“The heart attack that followed two months later reaffirmed my decision to never pick up another cigarette. I’d never worried about my health. I saw the warnings but never thought anything would affect me. I was running 7.5 miles each day and felt as fit as a fiddle. I’d always been a typical alpha male, showing off with my fitness and weight, and then at 52 there I was shuffling back to my bed like an 80-year-old. I remember wondering if this was it, and crying and cursing myself because what I was experiencing could perhaps have been avoided  if I’d never smoked.

Two heart -breaking Confessions by Ex-Smokers. They have stated that Quitting Cigarette was the toughest job of their lives.They felt remorse like abandoning their own child who had supported them for years. I have myself seen very closely How Cigarette Smoking is a slow poison your loved ones take each day in front of your eyes and You feel helpless.At times,You get tired of asking them to quit and within seconds you know it’s only your responsibility to help them come out of Hell. They need Willpower to quit , It’s more of an emotional need than physical desire.There is a very Simple Ayurvedic Medicine to get rid of any kind of Addiction. Cut Ginger into small pieces,adds lemon juice and black salt. Let it dry in the sun and you have your Substitute ready.Ginger contains Sulphur which diminishes addiction completely.Scientific Research has shown Addiction is caused due to the shortage of Sulphur in a human body. This has been experimented on thousands with successful results by Rajiv Dixit , Indian Social Activist

 . One Cigarette contains 4000 chemicals ,69 of which are known to cause Cancer.It’s like breathing flea powder,nail polish remover, and floor cleaner altogether.

When you smoke a Cigarette , you take inside

TAR (black,sticky substance that contains poisonous ammonia found in floor cleaners,toluene found in industrial solvents and acetone found in paints ).

Nicotine  ( Addictive Drug)

Carbon Monoxide (a poisonous gas that reduces the amount of oxygen taken up by a person’s red blood cells)
Hydrogen Cyanide (the poison used in gas chambers during World War ll
Metals, including Lead, Nickel, Arsenic (white ant poison) and Cadmium (used in car batteries)
Pesticides such as Methoprene (found in flea powder). Other Chemicals such as Benzene (found in petrol) and Naphthalene (found in mothballs)

After  Quitting  Cigarette 

20 minutes Your heart rate and blood pressure return to normal
8 hours Nicotine and carbon monoxide start to leave your body and oxygen levels return to normal.
24 hours Your lungs start to clear out mucus and other smoking debris.
48 hours Nicotine has been eliminated from your body and your sense of smell and taste both improve.
2 – 12 weeks Exercise becomes easier and your breathing improves.
3 – 9 months Any coughs, wheezing and breathing problems are reduced as your lungs repair.
1 year Your risk of coronary heart disease is now half that of a smoker.

15 thoughts on “Cigarette Smoking

  1. Great post Nikita, I still don't understand the logic behind cultivating tobacco because of its commercial value and then producing cigarettes, getting hordes of people addicted to it, affecting million more in the form of secondary smokers and then creating awareness about its ill effects. Why not ban its cultivation in the first place? Are tobacco companies that powerful?


  2. Quitting smoking was the hardest thing I ever did BUT I'M SO GLAD I DID!

    By the way, regarding your B post, I would like to be sent to a camp to be a Maritian gal and eat fifty billion calories a day… sounds like paradise!


  3. Reshma – They are much more Powerful than we can Imagine Sweetheart,E Cigarettes are 90 % less harmful but they are not very easily accessible and There has been so much talked about not using them..

    It's a vicious circle.They want people to die as they earn through it..


  4. I'm so glad I quit smoking 18 years ago! I did it 'cold-turkey' and never looked back. Now I can't stand the smell of them! That's interesting about the ginger/lemon/black pepper remedy. Does that work for other addictions like food, alcohol, etc?


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