What are we doing today that has made us so miserable as human beings. Let’s find out.

Most of us are struggling with stress, anxiety, frustration, disappointments, over expectations, and anger. Stand in a busy street and you’ll witness a sea of unhappy people. Some of us cannot go a day without taking antidepressants.

“The primary cause of all this rising depression and anxiety is not in our heads. It is, I discovered, largely in the world, and the way we are living it. I learned there are at least nine proven causes of depression and anxiety . . . and many of them are rising all around us–causing us to feel radically worse.” writes Hari in his book –Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression–and the Unexpected Solutions

What are we doing today that has made us so miserable as human beings. Let’s find out;

1- Meaninglessness

How conscious you are throughout the day? There are innumerable activities we keep on doing mindlessly for days, months and years. Have you ever wondered when and how did we all become this mechanical.

The truth is we all matter. Our lives have a meaning. What we are doing, no matter how trivial is important.

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2- Disconnect from Reality

We are all spending a major chunk of our days scrolling mindlessly on social media. We are glued to our phones, laptops, tabs and computers throughout the day. How often do we go out and meet real people? How rarely do we appreciate people in person?

What we see on social media is far from reality. Even the food we eat is not real anymore.

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3- Comparison & Competition

We are all unique and that is our super power.

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4- Physical & Mental Exhaustion

Don’t you agree we took these words, ” Push your Limits” a little too seriously. We are exhausted all the time not just physically but mentally, too.

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5- Envy & Jealousy

We are living in an era where feeling envious and jealous of others is encouraged through social media.

6- Mindless Entertainment

7- Rise of Individualism

Silhouette of a pawn, sees himself in the reflection of the mirror queen. The concept of narcissism and ego

8- Busy not productive

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