Maybe this is the time to do just nothing

“If you don’t come out from this lock down without being skilled or having more knowledge; remember you never lacked time, you lacked discipline.”


Are we not dealing with enough already that some people made it a race and are pressurizing others to be more productive during the pandemic?

To be honest, my goal right now is to come out of this lock down Alive. That’s all.

No offense to people who are hustling, learning a new language, launching a new company, completing academic courses, joining YouTube, and running a marathon during this Covid-19 situation. HATS OFF to your strong willpower and heroism.

But if you are constantly nagging your friends for not adequately using their free time- you are the problem we are talking about.

The entire world is stuck right now. These are the most turbulent of times ever witnessed in the history of mankind. Most of us are going through a stressful time in our lives. So many people have lost their lives to this pandemic. We have had hurricanes, wildfires, tornadoes, locust attacks, severe floods, volcanic explosions, snowstorms, worldwide protests, and whatnot.

There are people standing in lengthy queues for one meal. Millions of families in India walked a hundred miles to reach their homes.

It’s human to feel sensitive to other people’s pain and suffering, it is challenging for me to concentrate on anything. I have been sleeping 8-10 hours every day and I still wake up tired. I do not speak a word for hours and keep staring at the walls. Mindless scrolling on social media is at its worst.

My priority is keeping myself happy. If avoiding your calls and not responding to your texts, help me feel better, I’ll gladly do that with no guilt. I have spent a gigantic time of my life pleasing others. Now, I genuinely don’t care about anybody.

So, we understand I do not want to become a victim of social competition.

I have tried everything to not feel anxious and depressed during this pandemic. Some days I wake up happy and filled with positivity, other days I cry for hours at a stretch.

Here are the things that helped me;

1- Meditation

2- Keeping a Gratitude Journal

3- Writing Blog

4- Gardening

5- Home Decor and improvement projects

6- DIY

7- Face time with my closest friends and family members.

8- Reading books

9- De-cluttering my life

10- Netflix

Nothing is helping me keep calm anymore. I have reached a saturation point where it simply gets more challenging to persuade my mind that things will get better.

So, I have decided to not do anything about it. Maybe this is the time to do just nothing. Next time, someone asks me how you are spending your time productively during this lock down. I’ll just smile at them and say, “I am doing absolutely nothing and loving it”

This is my advice for you –

Do what makes you happy. Do what helps you stay calm. Disconnect. Unplug.

Stay away from people who make you feel “unworthy” or “lazy”.

Sleep straight for 18 hours.

Binge-watch your favorite show. Hell, watch them a hundred times.

Get drunk. Cry yourself to sleep. Scream if you have to.

Get slimmer or chubbier.

Video call your friends and talk rubbish for hours.

Stare at the walls.

Make yourself a priority.




11 thoughts on “Maybe this is the time to do just nothing

  1. Absolutely loved it. Yes I see people making hue and cry about how productive they are. The world is at its biggest edge and we still want to prove ourselves better than others? I have seen people talking about how they spent a their time doing some or the other job, as if this is the only time they have and for years they were all slept. I am also trying to declutter, sometimes be productive, sometimes not, sometimes writing, sometimes just wasting time on just introspecting, may be lost in my own world or may be thinking about I don’t know what… But m relaxed and trying to be happy.


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