You aren’t just Beautiful , You are a Masterpiece

You don’t need anybody’s approval to be Yourself  

No matter who you are and what you do, there will always be someone who does not approve of you.And that’s okay. If you start changing yourself for everyone that crosses your path, you’ll be universally rejected one day. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be accepted, but you should never have to change who you are for the sake of winning someone else’s approval.You have to love yourself without feeling the need of people appreciating you.You are Perfect the way you are.

Select your Audience for the front row

You don’t have to make room for people who create drama or make you feel small.It could be anyone, your closest friend, your spouse or your parent. You don’t ever have to carry the burden of a relationship that does not help you grow. You chose who you want to be around – Always.

Don’t you dare go against your heart  

What is right for you can be wrong for the rest of the world .It does not mean you have to stop believing in yourself.  Do what your heart tells you to do in all possible ways.Hurdles can be carved into stairs to your destination. Stay Strong – You are on the right track.You were born to make a difference.

Shout and Scream, when you need Help 

You do not have to swallow your tears or hide your pain. Tell the world ‘I am hurt , I am in pain, I need help ” We all do go through this phase many times in one Life. Do not feel guilty of not being happy.If something feels wrong, it always is.

Do not EVER listen to people  

They all change their perceptions . I swear by these word from an old Bollywood movie -Kuch to log kahenge , logo ka kaam hai Kehna. People will always try to pull you back when they see you taking the flight. They would curse you, betray you, call you names and come back to lick your feet. They are Hollow Men.They go with the Flow. They change wardrobes with the changing trends. They are the ones who throw away diamonds for rocks. Do not let anyone who gave up on their dreams talk to you about yours.

People show what they feel about You  

People may not always tell you how they feel about you , but they will always show. Pay attention.That little voice inside you is never wrong. Trust the vibrations, energy never lies. Words can be carefully moulded and gestures cautiously controlled, but the way one makes you feel can not be faked.

Believe that you own the World    

Letting Go needs courage. Do not be afraid of letting go of things , people and places as you won’t grow if you decide to stay. You need to be flowing like a river.The Universe is infinite and the world is your family. Extend your horizons and let the oceans embrace you.

Being Wrong is necessary for Growth  

You also need to understand that you would not always be right.There would be wrong decisions, wrong judgements and wrong paths that you take in Life. All of them were meant to teach you a lesson and they keep recurring until you learn it. Life is a strict teacher.

 You ain’t just Beautiful, You are a  Masterpiece   


18 thoughts on “You aren’t just Beautiful , You are a Masterpiece

  1. Nikita – You are so right, we can not make everyone happy, I know, I tried…. I am a recovering people pleaser…We must be true to who God created us to be. We need to learn boundaries and be confident in who we are. Your neighbor at #MondayMusings

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks a lot Debbie for understanding. I was a big time people pleaser myself but I learned it hard way that nothing I can do to make other like me.

      To love oneself is the only way to make the world crave for you


  2. How sweet is the assurance, how comforting is the peace that come from the knowledge that you have poured here. You are such an Inspiration Nikita.There is nothing more beautiful than someone who goes out of their way to make life beautiful for others.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow right now I am in between to make a decision for my career ..and can’t decide what to do..ur post actually gave me a hope to go with ur heart do what u like don’t let others to choose for u.
    Thank you. .lovely post with beautiful pix…..keep writing. .when u right from ur heart other will love it ….


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